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2024 Upcoming Elections

Call for Nominations: 2023 SCCEC Elections

This year SCCEC will be electing a new Vice President and Recording Secretary during Representative Assembly at the 2024 Annual Conference.

As chair of the 2023-2024 Nominating Committee, I am writing to seek your nominations of candidates to stand for election for the Executive Committee and Executive Board.  Members engagement is critical to the success of SCCEC, and the Board relies upon your recommendations for strong candidates.  Even if you represent a different category of membership, please consider colleagues you know at other institutions that are current SCCEC members.  SCCEC has several members who are unsung heroes, who have given their time and efforts to make our organization better. Now is your chance to give back! 

What a perfect opportunity to contribute to our organization by serving on the Executive Committee and Board. How rewarding would it be for someone, or even you, to provide leadership and your expertise to impact education in South Carolina!   We encourage you to consider someone who embodies the spirit of serving as a deserving candidate

According to our by-laws, the elected Vice President will serve a total of 4 years (Vice President-1 year, President-Elect- 1 year, President- 1 year, and Immediate Past President- 1 year).  


Vice President (Year 1)

  1. Serve in the place of, with the authority of, the President in the absence or disability of the President and President-Elect.
  2. To assist the President in appointing all standing committees and any special committees, except the Nominations, Finance, Awards, and Conference Committee.
  3. To assist in the program planning for the Annual Conference.
  4. To conduct and coordinate Representative Assembly registration and to determine and validate the representatives to Representative Assembly.
  5. To coordinate planning for the training other than Conference.
  6. To make an annual report to the SCCEC President for Representative Assembly.


Recording Secretary Serves a 2- Year Term (on a fixed cycle basis- odd years) The powers and duties of the Recording Secretary shall be:

  1. To keep a record of the proceedings and attendance if meetings of the Executive Committee, Executive Board, and Representative Assembly.
  2. To maintain minutes for the current and previous two (2) years for each executive committee and board meeting.
  3. To prepare prior years minutes for archives on an annual basis.
  4. To transfer records to the new Recording Secretary at the end of the administration term.
  5. To prepare an annual list of motions acted upon by SCCEC and maintain a notebook of active motions.
  6. To keep accurate rolls of the Executive Committee, Executive Board, Representative Assembly, and committee memberships.
  7. To have available copies of the current Bylaws, minutes of assemblies and Conferences and reports of committee meetings.
  8. To keep a register of all local chapters, subdivisions, as well as total members in the Federation.
  9. To make an annual report to the SCCEC President for Representative Assembly.


Nomination Form

Posted:  27 October, 2023

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